Blue Dinosaur

Blue Dinosaur is an Australian brand making hand baked, healthy snack bars using ‘real’ wholefood ingredients and nothing artificial. Consumers buying in this space read the ingredients list –  they’ll be instantly sold on Blue Dinosaur because each bar has only 5 to 7 ingredients. The wholesome, homemade taste is different to anything else out there.

The brand began more than 10 years ago when the founder, frustrated at being unable to find a good healthy snack bar, started making his own. They were such a hit with friends at the gym that he and his wife started a small business baking the bars at home.  Because of this refreshing ‘no BS’ approach, Blue Dinosaur is now an exciting player in the booming health food industry.

“The Health Snack Food Production industry is worth $1.9bn and expected to increase 5.9% in 2022 and keep on growing. These guys have nailed it with  brilliant branding and a great product – it’s the best tasting health food range we’ve seen.”



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